
Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a broad range of skills relating to self-awareness, self-management, interaction with others, decision-making and stress management. Emotional intelligence is responsible for much of the success people achieve in life, however they define success.

I am certified to administer the EQi 2.0 emotional intelligence self-assessment, created by Reuven Bar-On and Multi-Health Systems.

EQi 2.0 - Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Follow the link below to do the self-assessment online. I will be notified when you have completed it, but will not be given your email address. Please send me an email so I can contact you. Upon payment of $250, you will receive a comprehensive personalized report, and meet with me by telephone for a debrief/coaching session. I will contact you by email to arrange this.

For more information about the EQi 2.0 and privacy policies, please click the following link to access Multi-Health Systems website.

For Organizations

For organizations, I can:

Session Formats

Training sessions could be:

In the following clip I explain the benefits of developing Emotional Intelligence:

For Individuals

Individuals who want to take one of my workshops on Emotional Intelligence should contact Western Continuing Studies. I teach a three-day course entitled ‘Developing Emotional Intelligence’ (part of the Professional Certificate in Conflict Management) and a two-day course in the Professional Certificate in Leadership called ‘Emotional Intelligence’.


I can sum it up in one word, wow!
In my many years of education I have been instructed by many instructors but never have I had the calibre of instructor as I have had in the past two days.
I very much enjoyed my course with Janine Higgins. I found her to be very enthusiastic, humorous, dramatic, entertaining, and most important, I was very engaged in her course. She taught from academic and life lessons. She had my attention for the entire two days.

Paula D'Orazio, C.I.M., P.Mgr., P.CRM

©2007-2024 Janine Higgins, 82 Cavendish Cres. London, Ontario, N6H 1A4 • 519 871-7410 • janine@janinehiggins.ca

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